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Friday, November 27, 2009

IEEE Education Partners Program
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The IEEE Education Partners Program (IEEE EPP) partners with academic and corporate entities to provide quality learning opportunities exclusively for IEEE members. Each educational partner is carefully screened to provide only the highest quality experience. As an IEEE member, participants in the programs receive at least a 10% discount for enrolling in the programs offered through the IEEE Education Partners Program.

The course offerings include:

* On-line degree programs
* Continuing Education courses
* Certificate Programs
* Continuing Education Units (CEU's)

" The 10% discount more than covered my IEEE member dues this year, based on my course load"
Technology Engineer

" The IEEE Education Partners Program helped steer me to the right program for my career."
IEEE subscriber from a leading aerospace company

Not an IEEE Member?
Depending on the coursework or program(s) you are planning to take the value of the discount you can receive with your IEEE membership may offset the cost of joining. That doesn't even account for all the other valuable savings and benefits you will have access to as an IEEE member. So don't miss out visit IEEE Membership to become a member today.

About our Partners:
The IEEE Educational Activities is currently partnering with providers from academia and corporations to provide the IEEE membership the most effective learning resources. The Partners are a carefully selected number of universities and corporations reviewed and approved by highly qualified IEEE volunteers.

How the program works:

* Click the partners name to access their special Web portal for IEEE members (you will have to search the courses on the partner site and register, so be sure to include your IEEE member number on the registration form so you can receive your 10% discount)

Special Offers:

IEEE Offers 50% Off Membership, Society Memberships, and Subscriptions to Unemployed Technical Professionals

Mentor Graphics
Displaced Workers Assistance: The Mentor Graphics Displaced Worker program provides training and networking tools for EDA workers looking for work.

Auto DeskSign up for the Autodesk Assistance Program now through December 2009 to access free software licenses, free online training and more. Invest in Yourself. Invest in your Firm.

more details :
see this site yaaaaaaaar...............
good luck...................



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