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Friday, January 15, 2010

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techonolgy news

If you enabled Wi-Fi at home, this article has tips that will help you secure your wireless network and also prevent neighbours from using your Internet connection.

Follow Bollywood Celebrities on Twitter

This is complete directory of Bollywood stars and other people from the Indian film industry who are active on Twitter.

Create & Host Websites for Free with these Web Tools

Google Page Creator was an awesome tool for building websites but as they say, all good things come to an end, and so is Google Page Creator - the service is getting replaced with Google Sites.

OpenDNS Tutorial: What is OpenDNS

Think of the DNS as the phonebook of the Internet. You type a web address in the web browser (e.g. and your DNS server will translate it into a numerical IP address. OpenDNS will make this translation fast and secure.

How to Buy Popular Software Online for Less

This article has tips to help you buy software online at a price that is much less than the suggested retail price.
Also see: Which Windows 7 edition should you buy?

Most Useful Google Talk Bots

You could do lot of interesting things like read blog manage calendars, translate text and more in Google Talk.
These are possible through 'bots' which are like virtual friends who are online 24×7 and will always respond with a smile to your questions or requests.

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